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The Art Room - Your Profile

Our tutors find it really helpful if students fill out their profile area so that they find out a little about you, why you are taking the course and what your aspirations are. Tutors find it very helpful to get to know students as it helps when assessing your artwork. The help files below give information about the profile area, if you require any further help please don't hesitate to contact the office at any time. 


    Upload a selfie and info about yourself

    • Click on the arrow in the top right hand corner and choose 'profile'
    • In the section 'User Details' and click the words 'edit my profile'.
    • It will take you to a new page with lots of profile options.
    • Here you will see that you can drag a photo into the box with the blue arrow, or click the bottom top right of the box to choose your photo. 

    You can also add information about yourself and  update your email address if required too. When you have finished editing, click 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the page.